École Argyle Secondary
North Vancouver School District
French Immersion


French Immersion Program Description                       

The program is comprehensive and Immersion courses are reserved for students enrolled in the French Immersion Program.

The French Immersion Planning Tool can be found here: French Immersion Programming Checklis​t 2024-2025

Required French Courses

All French Immersion students must take the following French courses:

Français Langue 8-10

A Français Langue 11 (2 course options – see below)

Français Langue 12

Sciences Humaines 8-10

Histoire Mondaile 12

Grade 8 and 9 students must enroll in at LEAST 4 French Immersion Courses. 

​Optional French Courses

French Immersion students must complete a minimum of four optional courses in French. At least one of these optional courses must be at the Grade 10 or 11 level.  Optional French courses may include:

  • Sciences Naturelles 8, 9 and 10
  • Éducation Physique et Santé 8 and 9
  • Éducation Artistique (Culture et Communication) 9 
  • Éducation au Choix de Carrière et de Vie 10
  • Langue et Culture de la Francophonie 11
  • Études du Cinéma et Littérature Francophones 11

The major goal of the North Vancouver School District's French Immersion program is to provide the opportunity for Non-Francophone students to become functionally bilingual in English and French.  Cultural awareness and understanding of the French language are enhanced by various socio-cultural opportunities provided by the North Vancouver School District in collaboration with the Canadian Parents for French (North Vancouver Chapter).  These extra-curricular opportunities may include:

  • Festival du Film
  • Concours d'art Oratoire
  • Français pour l'avenir
  • Idélire (French author visit)
​Cultural exchanges

For more information, visit:



This course will focus on developing students' verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Students will explore elements of language through the study of legends, plays and elements of oral tradition in Aboriginal texts. Organization of informational and argumentative texts will also be investigated. This course is a requirement for students in the French Immersion program. 

FRANÇAIS LANGUE  9                                      

This course will continue to build on students' verbal and non-verbal communication skills learned in Français Langue 8. Units centered on novel studies, fables and public speaking will help students develop skills including synthesis, analysis and critical thinking. As well, emphasis will be placed on writing strategies and improving vocabulary within communicative activities. This course is a requirement for students in the French Immersion program. 


Students in this course will continue to build on the skills gained in Français Langue 9, with the goal of becoming more confident and independent writers and speakers. This course includes the study and analysis of a contemporary novel, and short stories. It puts emphasis on oral presentations such as exposés and interviews and requires students to be able to write a personal narrative and short analyses. This course is a requirement for students in the French Immersion program. 


·       Langue et Culture de la Francophonie 11

·       Études du Cinéma et Littérature Francophones 11                           

These courses aim to expand students' communication skills in a variety of familiar and broader contexts. Either of these courses meets the graduation requirement for students in the French Immersion program.  You can take both if desired.   


This course aims to explore and interpret cinematographic and literary works of the French speaking world. Students will learn about films and novels from different genres, eras and cultures. They will also develop an appreciation of French cinema and literature through analysis and reflection. In addition, they will write a formal essay about a novel or film studied in class.


In this course, students will continue developing their oral language abilities through authentic communication and situations inspired by the Francophone world. They will explore French culture and history through art, drama, music and various communicative experiences. They will also learn how to write an argumentative paper and then communicate their ideas in the context of a public speaking contest. Students who complete this course may be eligible to participate in a District trip to France.

FRANÇAIS LANGUE  12                      

This course aims to further expand students' communication skills in a variety of contexts. Topics include the study and analysis of a play and comparative studies of different literary genres such as blog posts, news articles, short stories and poetry.  Particular emphasis is put on stylistics and dissertation writing. At Argyle, students work on interactive group projects such as plays and digital media designed to encourage oral communication outside of the classroom and help support the development of critical thinking, social interaction, and leadership. This course is a requirement for students in the French Immersion program.​

SCIENCES 8                                                            

As students investigate cells, atomic theory, light and plate tectonics they will increase their understanding of the Scientific Method. Communication, critical and creative thinking, personal awareness, and social responsibility are skills that will be developed throughout the year. The course will culminate with a grade-wide science fair.  French Immersion students have the option of choosing Science in French or English.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

SCIENCES 9                                                            

As students investigate reproductive strategies, the periodic table, electricity and ecosystems, they will increase their understanding of the Scientific Method. Communication, critical and creative thinking, personal awareness, and social responsibility are skills that will be developed throughout the year. French Immersion students have the option of choosing Science in French or English.

SCIENCES 10                                            

Science 10 topics include genetic diversity and patterns of inheritance, chemical processes and energy transformations, as well as the formation of the universe. Using critical thinking, creative insight, and their current scientific knowledge, students will be provided with opportunities to collaborate, investigate, problem solve, communicate, innovate, discover and increase their understanding of science through hands-on experience. French Immersion students have the option of choosing Science in French or English. 


These courses addresses two areas of learning, physical education and health education, brought together in order to promote and develop all aspects of well-being. Given the North Shore's natural setting, this course will also offer opportunities for outdoor learning experiences in a French environment. Please see the French Immersion program requirements for further information.  

Supplementary fee: $20.00


In this course, students will develop their oral language abilities through the exploration of various art forms from the Francophone world. Creative arts such as drama, dance, visual arts and music may be used to inspect perspective and varied experiences and cultures in French. This course can be taken in Grade 9 or 10.


This course provides opportunities for students to plan for successful lifelong learning, explore factors that have an impact on future career choices and opportunities, develop financial literacy skills, and cultivate self-awareness and interpersonal skills. Further, students will develop strategies to support them in maintaining a work-life balance to encourage physical and mental health. A particular emphasis on deepening students' leadership skills will be woven throughout this course. This course will satisfy the requirements for Career Life Education 10. This course is available to be taken in Grade 10 or 11.

Sciences Humaines 8                                                                                                  

Students of Social Studies 8 will be introduced to World Civilizations that provided the foundations of modern thought, and their associated social, political, economic and environmental structures that developed between the years 600 and 1750.  Topics will include World Religions, Medieval Studies, the Renaissance and Protestant Reformation in Europe, and the Age of Exploration. In addition, there will be an examination of both pre-European contact and early colonial periods in North America. This will involve a study of the Indigenous Peoples of Canada, and the early explorations, settlement and colonization of Canada by Western Europeans. Basic geography skills and Canadian regional geography will also be incorporated throughout.  This course is a requirement for students in the French Immersion program. 

SCIENCES HUMAINES 9                                   

Building on the foundation set in Social Studies 8, students will examine the political, economic and cultural changes that occurred in Europe and North America from 1750 CE to 1919 CE.  Students can expect to discuss topics such as the key revolutions, the effects of colonialism, nationalism and imperialism, Indigenous culture of Canada, and global demographic shifts. This course is a requirement for students in the French Immersion program.                                                                                                                                                                                                                             

SCIENCES HUMANINES 10                                   

Sciences Humaines 10 will explore Canada's role in the 20th Century. Centered around the big ideas of conflict, political institutions, different world views, and historical injustices, this course will allow students to explore the changing idea of Canada's identity from 1919 to present day. Students will study such topics as Canada's role in international conflicts, discriminatory policies, First Peoples' governance and the changing relationship between humans and their environment. This course is a requirement for students in the French Immersion program. 

HISTOIRE MONDIALE​ 12                                                                                                                

This course examines world historical events and ideas that occurred throughout the 20th Century.  Topics studied include: authoritarian regimes, independence movements, WWI, WWII, Cold War, religious/ cultural conflicts, social migrations, and cultural changes. Students will continue to develop the curricular competencies of Historical Significance and Perspective, Evidence, Continuity and Change, Cause and Consequence, and Ethical Judgement in order to investigate the “Big Ideas" of the course. It is recommended that this course be taken in Grade 11.

The “Big Ideas" in Histoire Mondiale 12: 

  • Nationalist movements can unite people in common causes or lead to intense conflict between different groups
  • The breakdown of long-standing imperialistic structures created new economic and political systems​


École Argyle Secondary

1131 Frederick Rd, North Vancouver, BC, V7K 1J3 | 604.903.3300 604.903.3301 | argyle@sd44.ca